Operations dashboard


Accessing Operations dashboard

Cost dashboard

Capacity dashboard

Performance dashboard

Additional resources


The Operations Dashboard enables you to monitor the cost and capacity of production VDI/DaaS environments. You can access the new Cost, Capacity, and Performance Dashboards from the 'Dashboards' section of the Virtual Appliance.

Within these dashboards, you can view a plethora of graphs and charts that provide real-time visualizations of the collected data. As a result, you can now gain enhanced visibility into system performance, quickly identify and resolve issues that may arise, and make informed, data-driven decisions based on the valuable insights offered by these dashboards.

Effortlessly switch between the two dashboards, select a single environment, or view the aggregated data from all of them in read-only mode. Each dashboard also provides a way to select the desired time range, refresh the dashboard, zoom in or out of the view. These options can be found at the top right corner of the dashboard, as shown below.

Accessing Operations dashboard

In the Login Enteprrise sidebar menu > Results, navigate to Dashboard.

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In Dashboard, click the Operations dashboard to view your environments' Cost, Capacity, and Performance data.

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Cost dashboard

The Cost dashboard provides insights into the cost considerations of the selected environment, showcasing the following information:

  • Capital and Operational Expenditures: The total capital and operational expenses associated with the environment.
  • Expected Users (VSI Max) and Actual Users: The anticipated maximum number of users (VSIMax) and the current actual number of users utilizing the environment.
  • Capacity Monitors: The number of Load Tests assigned to the environment to monitor its capacity.
  • Performance Monitors: The number of Continuous Tests assigned to the environment to monitor its performance.
  • Budgeted Cost: The combined cost comprising Capital Expenditures (CapEx) and Operational Expenditures (OpEx).
  • Budgeted Cost Per User: The budgeted cost divided by the number of expected users, indicating the projected cost per user.
  • Current Cost Per User: The budgeted cost divided by the actual number of users, representing the current cost per user.
  • Costs By Type: The percentage breakdown of costs between Capital Expenditures and Operational Expenditures.
  • Tabular breakdown of cost by environment: A pie chart displaying the cost breakdown for each environment, sorted in descending order of cost.
  • Costs By Environment: The total cost of each environment as a percentage of the total costs.
  • Cost Per User Trends: Trends showing the cost per user over time, including budgeted and actual users.

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Capacity dashboard

The Capacity dashboard presents the current status of the selected environment's capacity, featuring the following details:

  • Number of Expected and Actual Users
  • Capacity Monitors: Number of Load Tests assigned to the environment
  • Used Capacity: Ratio of Actual Users to Expected Users
  • Remaining Capacity Percentage: Percentage of remaining capacity (100 - Used Capacity %)
  • Remaining Capacity: Expected Users minus Actual Users
  • Capacity Trends: Trends depicting Expected Users and Actual Users over time

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Performance dashboard

The Performance Dashboard offers insights into the performance of various environments during the selected time period. By leveraging the EUX scores from Continuous Tests, the graphs demonstrate whether performance has improved or declined over time.

  • EUX Score - displays the average EUX Score of Continuous Tests assigned to the selected environment over a given time frame, whether it's a few minutes or several years. However, if no new tests have been running during that time frame, the graph may show "No data." When all environments are selected, the general average EUX Score is calculated by adding up average EUX Scores of each environment.
  • Compared to Previous - shows how the EUX Score has improved or declined. If the user selects a time frame of 5 minutes, the current EUX Score of the past 5 minutes will be compared to the preceding 5 minutes. For example, suppose the current time is 10:05 and the user selects a time frame of 5 minutes. In that case, the current EUX average will be calculated using data from 10:00 to 10:05, and the previous EUX average will be calculated using data from 09:55 to 10:00.
  • Overall Performance - provides a tabular view of average EUX Scores. When "All Environments" is selected, a list of all environments with their average EUX Score is shown. When a specific environment is selected, the table will contain a list of all Continuous Tests that are assigned to the specified environment, with their average EUX Score. 
  • Performance Over Time shows a graphical view of average EUX Scores. When "All Environments" is selected, each environment's EUX Scores over a selected period of time will be shown. When a specific environment is selected, each Continuous Test's EUX Score over a selected period of time will be shown.

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Additional resources

  • To learn more about creating and configuring Environments, see the Environments.