Workload Template - SAP web


This is a workload using Selenium web drivers and associated Login Enterprise meta-functions introduced in Login Enterprise version 4.1. Refer to the web browser scripting functions here: Scripting Functions

Demonstration video:

The Login Enterprise Virtual user interacting with a web based version of SAP.

This workload will perform the following interactions:

  1. Start the defined web browser
  2. Navigate to the defined SAP URL
  3. Enter the defined login credentials
  4. Click on the login button and measure login time
  5. Create a new customer project:
    1. Click the Plan Customer Projects tile
    2. Fill out the customer details with defined information
    3. Fill out the account details with defined information
    4. Click on save
  6. Go back to Customer Projects page
  7. Delete the project
  8. Close out of the web browser

Once the workload script is implemented into the Login Enterprise virtual application ( Applications documentation ) and the test is running, it will produce results on the Login Enterprise dashboard and test results page.

The following screenshots are examples of two different environments running the same workload but generating different timing results of interactions with the SAP web app. These can be compared against one another:





Please refer to the top of the attached .cs file for more information.

This workload is provided as-is and might need further configuration and customization to work successfully in each unique environment. For further Professional Services-based customization please consult with the Login VSI Support and Services team. Please refer to the section "Application Customization" for further self-help information regarding workload crafting and implementation.