Accounts: Email field



Usage with Custom Connectors

Additional resources


You can save email addresses related to your accounts and use them later with custom connectors.

When filling out individual account information in the account configuration form, you can enter the email address in a dedicated additional field. This field is optional, so you can choose to leave it empty.

You can view and edit email information directly in the Accounts table:

Frame 607.png


If you fill in the email incorrectly, an error message will inform you about the invalid input.

The following are valid examples of email entries:

The following are invalid examples of email entries:

Usage with Custom Connectors

To use saved email addresses with custom connectors, you will need to update your Launchers. For more information, see Updating Launchers.

From then on, you can add an email as an argument that will be passed when starting a new custom connector process during a Test. The email placeholder in the script will be replaced with the actual email value from the accounts added to the Accounts Group used in the Test.

For example:

CustomConnector.exe --email "{email}"

The email value can also be used in the place of username:

CustomConnector.exe --username "{email}"

Frame 608.png

You can also add email addresses when creating accounts in Swagger. Since this is optional, you can choose to omit the property.

Additional resources

To learn more about types of Connectors and connection options, see Connectors and connection configuration.