This list describes the default variables that can be used.
Important: Using %% makes Login AM expand the contents as an environment variable. If you use <> instead of %%, AM will only translate <> to %% and won’t expand the variable as required.
Variable | Description | Example |
%am_files% | Contains the location for the central configuration share | \\Server\AM$ |
%am_env_name% | Contains the name of the environment | Development |
%am_env_files% | Contains the location for the the environment specific central share | \\Server\AM$\919da43e-a530-4924-8811-acb994c4e310 |
%am_env_prefix% | Contains the prefix for the environment | Dev- |
%am_pkg_name% | Contains the name of the package that is currently processing | Adobe Reader X |
%am_pkg_cat% | Contains the name of the package category for the package that is currently processing | Office Applications |
%am_pkg_pgroup% | Contains the name for the primary group of the package without pre and suffixes, default set to %am_pkg_name%. Depends on configuration of security plugin if this group is created/used | Adobe Reader X |
%am_pkg_installdir% | Contains the default install dir for the package, default set to %programfiles%\%am_pkg_name%. Depends on action item configuration if this variable is used | C:\Program Files\Adobe Reader X |
%am_pkg_media% | Contains the specific media folder location for this package | \\Server\AM$\media\AdobeReader X |
%am_col_name% | Contains the name of the collection where the computer belongs to | Desktop Silo |
%am_col_path% | Contains the name of the collection where the computer belongs to, including parent collections | RDS2012\Session Hosts\Desktop Silo |
%am_col_id% | Contains the GUID of the collection where the computer belongs to | e98dfb72-ef45-445a-a8be-635ed1d503d2 |
%am_ai_name% | Contains the name of the action item that is currently processing | Create Shortcut |
%am_as_name% | Contains the name of the action set that is currently processing | Setup RDS configuration |
%am_evt_name% | Contains the name of the event that is currently processing | Startup |
%am_shell% | When run on a system that was initialized, starts the AM Client API | powershell.exe -command Import-Module AmClient |