
At the heart of Login AM are the settings. Settings determine the behavior of Login AM and its components. The settings within Login AM are very versatile, in the way that they can be overridden and inherited. This works similar compared to Microsoft Group Policies.

Setting can be used on a collection and on a package which can be based on a default value or specific value per collection or package. This enables reprocessing of a package in various collections using different settings.

The order in which settings are processed is:

  1. Plugin
  2. Collection
  3. Package

This means that it is possible to set a default plugin value and override this default on a collection level and on a package level. To elaborate on this functionality, an example scenario is described below.

In this example three collections are configured:

  • Desktop Silo
  • Legacy Silo
  • Special Silo

Requirement: enable the publication of RemoteApps in WebAccess for the Desktop Silo and the Special Silo, but not for the Legacy Silo.

Possible solution: configure the default settings for the Shortcuts plugin using the Plugins Settings view and override the setting for the "Legacy Silo" on a package level.

Step by step manual to solve the riddle:

LoginAM Basics Settings 01.png

Make sure that the default plugin setting Shortcuts the value of Publish in RDS WebAccess is set to True.

Navigate to the collection named Legacy Silo.

LoginAM Basics Settings 02.png

While in the Legacy Silo collection view, select the Shortcuts tab, configure Publish in RDS WebAccess to False and check the Override option to enable the settings.

Now the publication of the RemoteApps in WebAccess is disabled for the Legacy Silo, but still enabled for all the other collections. Let's take the configuration one step further and say that we have disabled the publication of RemoteApps in WebAccess for the Legacy Silo, but we have one package that is applied to the Legacy Silo that does require the publication of the RemoteApp in WebAccess. We can then enable the the option for that specific package again. We can do this by navigating to the package and selecting the Shortcuts tab.

LoginAM Basics Settings 03.png

Then we check the checkbox for overriding the value and set the Publish in RDS WebAccess to True.

LoginAM Basics Settings 04.png

Note: The default settings that are displayed on the package settings for the plugins are the default settings for the plugin. It could very well be that the value is overridden on a collection level, but there is no logical way of displaying the value, as the package can be assigned to more than one collection.