Applying the license file
If you want to explore our product and you don't have a license yet, you can contact us in order to request a free trial license.
New license file installation - Login AM 2017
In order to apply the license file for AM 2017, first you must navigate to the Environments section in the new web console. Then in the upper right-hand of the screen, click Settings to open the drop down list and select License Manager. This will open up the License Manager itself. Now simply click Apply New License and a pop-up will appear asking you to select the file. Double-click the requisite file to apply it.
New license file installation - versions before Login AM 2017
The installation of the license file for Login AM is pretty straight forward. This article describes in details how you can apply a license file.
The Environment Manager is the starting point for initializing the license file installation.
When a newly installed Login AM installation has been performed the Environment Manager will detect that no license has been applied.
Click Yes
When no license file has been applied, in case of a fresh install of Login AM, the Environment Manager will notice that the license file hasn't been applied yet and requests you to open the license manager.
License file update
In case of an update of the current license file the License Manager needs to be invoked from the Environment Manager console.
Click Options -> License Manager
Within the license manager you get the option to upload a license file.
Click Load License File
Navigate to the license file, in this case on the Desktop in the 'AM license file' folder, select the .lic file and click on Open
Now the license has been loaded into the License Manager interface. In this license the applicable domains are set lab.local and test.local. While applying the license file the Login AM License Manager must be run on a member listed domain(s), in order to apply the license.
Click on Apply License
Now the license has been applied successfully.