Manage Tests: Overview



Global functions

Continuous tests

Load tests and Application tests

Additional resources


This article explains the Manage tests page and its functionality.

To access the Manage tests page:

In the Login Enterprise sidebar menu, navigate to Configuration > Manage tests

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The Manage tests page shows the overview of the configured tests in your environment. Each test is separated by the test type, Continuous, Load, and Application testing. 

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On the Manage Test overview page, there are a number of functions available. 

Global functions

There are a number of functions that you can use for each test entry. For example, you can delete a test configuration by clicking on the trash icon. 

You can also copy the test configuration by clicking on the copy icon, next to the trashcan icon. Please note that you can only copy a test configuration to the same test type. For example, you can only copy a Load test to a new Load test, no cross-use-case copying is possible.

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The copy test function will prompt a popup where you can configure the name for the new test. 

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If you click on Yes, it will copy the test and show a completion notice

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Your test is now duplicated.

Continuous tests

For Continuous tests, you can configure a test to start or stop by clicking on the slider button behind each test name. 

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Load tests and Application tests

Similar to the Continuous tests, you can start and stop Application tests, the button only differs from the Continuous test.

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By clicking on the Play button, you can start a test. To stop it, simply click on the red Stop button.

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Additional resources