Powershell Script with Functions to control and extract data from Login Enterprise


This article contains a PowerShell script with functions to control and extract Login Enterprise.

Basic knowledge of PowerShell and scripting is required.

At the top op the script you can change the items marked in green to direct the functions to your own Login Enterprise Appliance. 




Here is a basic example of how to get tests using this script. 

  1. Download the PowerShell script from this article.
  2. Open the file with Powershell ISE
  3. Edit the FQDN and Token information. The token can be retrieved from the Login Enterprise Console (Login Enterprise Web Interface > External Notifications > Public API > New system access token). 
  4. Click the Play button to load all functions. 
  5. In the blue command box type: "Get-Tests -orderBy name -testType applicationTest -direction ascending -include all -count 100" and review the output. The applications tests from your appliance should be visible. 


