Workload Template - Function Timers Examples (Custom Timers)


  • Please read each of the commented-out portions of this script, to see what it does and if there are lines which should be commented out or changed (variables, for example)
  • Environment: Login Enterprise ScriptingToolset version 4.2.14 | Winver 2004 OS Build 19041.508 Windows 10 Professional x64
  • This script shows examples of how to use the function timers (custom timers) to generate relevant and helpful data points. The following scenarios are exampled:

This workload will perform the following interactions:

  1. Start a defined app (notepad.exe in the example), verify it's opened, and record how long it takes to load the app until the defined window title is present (timer is named "Start"), and will also record a custom timer for how long it takes for the full GUI to be fully loaded; looking for something to be present in the actual GUI, in this case, the Notepad text editor main pane
    In other words, this is tracking how long it takes to really open an application
    Record how long it takes to stop the defined app
  2. Run an "external" command-line statement that will launch a process, such as "notepad"; this will track how long it takes the process to start and become detect-able, and is encapsulated in a custom timer
  3. Run an "external" self-contained statement, such as a command line that will finish by itself (ping.exe in this case), or the invocation statement for a script that is expected to end by itself. The custom timer will track how long the self-contained external process takes to run and complete by itself.
    This is helpful for tracking execution time of external scripts
  4. Copy a file from source to destination; this function is encapsulated by a custom timer; testing storage
  5. Copy a folder from source to destination; this function is encapsulated by a custom timer; testing storage
  • Results example:

Please refer to the Scripting Functions documentation for more information on function usage, syntax, and parameters.


Please refer to the top of the attached .cs file for more information.

This workload is provided as-is and might need further configuration and customization to work successfully in each unique environment. For further Professional Services-based customization please consult with the Login VSI Support and Services team. Please refer to the section "Application Customization" for further self-help information regarding workload crafting and implementation.