Updating browser drivers on Login Enterprise


To maintain the smooth operation of browser automation scripts on your virtual appliance, it's crucial to keep the Chrome, Edge, and Firefox drivers updated. Chrome, Edge, and Firefox browsers regularly release updates, and outdated drivers can lead to script failures in applications like the Script Editor and Xray.

Preferred method: Automatic updates

For most users, the preferred method is to configure your virtual appliance to perform automatic updates of the browser drivers. This ensures that your drivers are always up to date, providing compatibility and reliable performance across your automation environment. To learn how to perform automatic updates in Login Enterprise, see Updating Selenium Web Automation Drivers.

Manual update method (fallback)

This article provides step-by-step instructions on how to manually update the drivers for Chrome, Edge, and Firefox. This method is intended as a fallback option for customers who deliberately do not have the appliance connected to the internet. Use this method only if automatic updates are not possible in your environment.

Determining the current browser version

Before proceeding with driver updates, it's essential to verify the current version of your browser on the target machine. Follow these steps to check:

  1. Open a connection to the target machine (where the Login Enterprise will run or where you are creating your script).
  2. Check the version of your browser using the following links:

Downloading the Edge Driver

  1. Open the Edge Driver download link.
  2. Scroll down to see the latest drivers.
  3. Click the x86 download link next to the version you are running internally.

Downloading the Chrome Driver

  1. Open the ChromeDriver download link.
  2. You will see a folder overview. Locate the version you are using from the list and open that link.
  3. Download the file named chromedriver_win32.zip.

Downloading the Firefox Driver

  1. Open the FirefoxDriver download link from GitHub.
  2. Scroll down to find the Assets section. You might need to click Show All Assets to find the file you need.
  3. Download the file ending with win64.zip.

Importing the Driver

You need to update the following items with the newly downloaded driver:

Updating the Login Enterprise Appliance

Opening the console session

  1. Open a console session to the Login Enterprise appliance.
  2. Navigate to Troubleshooting > Open Bash Shell.
  3. Execute the following command to allow writing to the folder (use lowercase letters):
chmod 707 /loginvsi/content/selenium

Uploading the driver

1. Connect with WinSCP:

  • Download and install WinSCP.
  • Open WinSCP and set up an SFTP connection to the Login Enterprise appliance.
  • Use the admin password for the connection.

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2. Upload the Driver:

  • Browse to the ./loginvsi/content/selenium directory.
  • Upload the newly created driver folder, e.g. Chrome91, EdgeChromium91, or Gecko34 to this location.

Example folder structure:




Updating Script Editor and Xray on the Appliance

The following steps will guide you through updating the ScriptEditor and ScriptingToolset on the Login Enterprise appliance, ensuring any subsequent downloads from the appliance include the updated browser drivers.

1. Connect to the Appliance: Use a tool like WinSCP on MyHost to establish a connection with the virtual appliance. This opens a file browser interface for accessing the appliance's file system.

2. Download ScriptEditor.zip:

  • Navigate within WinSCP to the appliance path: /loginvsi/content/zip/.
  • Download the ScriptEditor.zip file from the appliance to MyHost.

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3. Update Browser Driver:

  • On MyHost, extract the ScriptEditor.zip file.
  • Locate the Drivers subdirectory within the extracted ScriptEditor folder.

4. Add new Driver: Insert or replace the outdated browser driver files (chromedriver.exe, msedgedriver.exe, or geckodriver.exe with the new driver files into the Drivers subdirectory.

5. Replace ScriptEditor.zip on the Appliance: Upload the updated ScriptEditor.zip from MyHost back to /loginvsi/content/zip/ on the appliance, replacing the existing ScriptEditor.zip.

6. Verify updates: Confirm that downloads of ScriptEditor.zip and ScriptingToolset.zip through the Login Enterprise web interface now include the updated browser driver.

By following these instructions, you should be able to successfully update the Chrome and Edge drivers on your virtual appliance.

Version file

The version file is used solely to verify if Login Enterprise is using the latest version of drivers. If you do not manually add the version file during the update process, the Currently installed version(s) column in the Login Enterprise sidebar menu > System > General might not display the manually updated driver. So, when you check for updates, you might see available updates even if you already have the latest drivers installed.

Login Enterprise automatically utilizes the latest drivers regardless of the version file. If you want the Login Enterprise UI to display the driver that was manually uploaded, add a version file in the same folder as the driver. See Additional resources for the attached version file example.

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Updating Application Script Editor and Xray locally

For existing Script Editor installations on other hosts where scripting occurs, follow the steps below to manually update the drivers if necessary.

Note that Xray and Script Editor both use the exact same folder to access drivers. Therefore, updating the drivers in this folder will apply to both applications.

1. Unzip the Driver:

  • Unzip the downloaded driver file. You will get either chromedriver.exe , msedgedriver.exe, or geckodriver.exe.

2. Create a New Folder:

  • Navigate to the ScriptEditor\Drivers directory.
  • Create a new folder named Chrome(your.chrome.version), EdgeChromium(your.edge.version), or Gecko(your.firefox.version).
  • Example:
    • For Chrome version 91, create Chrome91.
    • For Edge version 91, create EdgeChromium91.
    • For Firefox version 0.34.0, create Gecko34.

3. Move the Driver:

Copy the unzipped chromedriver.exe, msedgedriver.exe, or geckodriver.exe to the newly created folder.

Example folder structure:




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If you encounter any issues, check the browser and driver documentation for troubleshooting tips or contact our support at support@loginvsi.com.

Additional resources

Version file example

For the version file, ensure there is a file named "version" (without any extension) located in the same folder as each driver, e.g. Edge Driver, Chrome Driver. This "version" file is essential for the system to verify the latest driver version.