Data retention for database usage


Configuring data retention

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To make sure the database does not grow too rapidly, you can configure data retention for your database. The data retention functionality will effectively delete the raw data older than a specified number of days. This does not mean all graphs will become empty as they use statistical and not raw data, but certain views, for example, an Hourly view will disappear when falling outside of the retention window. 

Important considerations:

  • When configured, it will eliminate the possibility of viewing the Hourly view of data older than the configured number of days. 
  • When configured, it will eliminate the possibility of viewing the events of data older than the configured number of days. 
  • A minimum of 45 days of data retention is enforced. 

Configuring data retention

To configure data retention, in the Login Enterprise sidebar menu, navigate to Other > System

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Data retention is disabled by default. To enable it, switch the toggle next to the item you wish to enable and configure the preferred option. 

There are 3 options you can configure:

  • Raw measurement data - when enabled, it eliminates the Hourly view of data older than the configured number of days.
  • Event data - when enabled, it deletes the events of data older than the configured number of days.
  • EUX raw data - when enabled, it deletes the EUX raw data older than the configured number of days.

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