Scripting Custom Secure Application Credentials


Configuring the credentials

Using credentials in an application script


Login Enterprise lets you configure encrypted passwords for applications. This password is encrypted and saved in a variable to be used in the application scripts. 

Configuring the credentials

1. In the Login Enterprise sidebar menu, navigate to Configuration> Applications.

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2. To add the password, click on the pencil button on the right side of each application (The Application Properties window will open).

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3. In Application Properties, expand the downward arrow next to Application Credentials (the Application Credentials menu will open).

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4. Fill in the username and password that you want to use in your application script. Click Save to apply the settings. 

Frame 331.png

Using credentials in an application script

The credentials are transformed into a variable that can be used during scripting. There are two variables that you can use in the script:

  • ApplicationUser
  • ApplicationPassword

To use this, you can use the following command when you want to type it into a window. We assume that the user is called Login VSI and the password is Password!


The result would be:



The option hideInLogging is best used when using passwords as this function hides it from logging so there is no potential security breach.