Login Enterprise IGEL Launcher


To learn about the Launcher’s role in Login Enterprise, what it does, how it works, and more, see Launchers: Overview and best practices.

For details on where the Launchers architecturally reside in the Login Enterprise setup, see the System Architecture and Components.

Notes and considerations

  • The Linux Launchers, including IGEL, do not work with UWC (Universal Web Connector). UWC is a Windows-only tool now.
  • Restarting the Launcher machine on failure is not supported.
  • VMware Horizon custom command line: /usr/bin/vmware-view --serverURL={serverurl} --userName="{username}" --password="{password}" --domainName="{domain}" --desktopName="{resource}" --nonInteractive
  • PCOIP and ICA latency do not work out of the box. The root cause of this likely lies in the clients. Even without our Launcher, the vendors do not report latency. This issue is still being investigated.

IGEL Launcher requirements

  • IGEL UMS 6.03.130 or later
  • IGEL OS 11.03.100 or later

Download the IGEL OS:

1. Visit the IGEL software download page to access the Workspace Edition.

2. Alternatively, you can download the OS from the Universal Management Suite.

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OS compatibility

To run the Launcher software, Login Enterprise is compatible with the following Launcher operating systems:

OS Vendor Versions

Windows 10 and greater

Windows Server 2016 and greater




Debian Debian 10
Ubuntu Ubuntu 20.04 LTS
Fedora Fedora 33

Software requirements

To ensure a Launcher is working accurately, the Launcher needs to have certain software available on it. To connect to the Test platform, all Launchers need a respective vendor-specific connector.


  • Microsoft .NET Framework 4.8 or higher
  • Citrix Receiver / Citrix Workspace
  • VMware Horizon Client


  • Curl
  • XDOTool
  • OpenSSL
  • Free RDP
  • Citrix Receiver / Citrix Workspace
  • VMware Horizon Client

Antivirus and app blocker exclusions

To ensure optimal performance and prevent conflicts, certain files and processes need to be excluded from antivirus scans and app blocking. Add the following exclusions to your antivirus or app blocker to ensure the Login Enterprise runs correctly.

Launcher Machine

  • Enterprise Launcher software
    • C:\Program Files\Login VSI\Login Enterprise Launcher\LoginEnterprise.Launcher.UI.exe
  • Universal Web Connector
    • C:\Program Files\Login VSI\Universal Web Connector\UniversalWebConnector.exe

Target VM

  • Login Executable
    • LoginPI.Logon.exe
      • The path will depend on the policy/configuration of the environment
  • Enterprise engine
    • %TEMP%\LoginPI\Engine\LoginPI.Engine.exe
  • Login Enterprise EUX Applications
    • %TEMP%\LoginEnterprise\EuxApp

      • AppSpeed.exe

      • CompressionSpeed.exe

      • CpuSpeed.exe

      • DiskSpeed.exe

      • eux2023.zip

  • Login Enterprise EUX work files
    • My Documents\eux2023

    • %LOCALAPPDATA%\eux2023

Hardware requirements

For optimal functionality of Launchers, you need to configure the minimum hardware requirements. The following specifications represent the minimum requirements applicable to machines running Windows, Linux, and Azure environments:

Configuration CPU Memory Disk
Minimum 2(v)CPU 4GB RAM 1GB free space

Preliminary tasks

Retrieving a Server URL

Retrieve the Login Enterprise Server URL, such as https://LoginEnterpriseVIrtualApplianceHostName.domain.com 

Obtaining a Launcher Secret

Obtain the Launcher secret, such as 12345ABCDE12345ABCDE12345ABCDE12345ABCDE.

Please note that this is different from the Server or Public API Secret.

To get a Launcher Secret:

1. In the Login Enterprise sidebar menu, navigate to Configuration > Launchers.

2. In Launchers, scroll down to the Download Launcher Setup.

3. Under Download Launcher Setup, copy the Launcher secret. 


1. In the Login Enterprise sidebar menu, navigate to Configuration > Launchers.

2. In Launchers, scroll down to the Download Launcher Setup file, and click Download on the right.

3. Open the Login Enterprise Launcher Setup zip file.

4. Open the appsettings.json file with a text editor and locate the secret.

Downloading and installing an SSL Certificate

1. Download the Login Enterprise Virtual Appliance SSL Certificate by appending /contentDelivery/content/CA.crt to the end of the Server URL from a browser, e.g. https://LoginEnterprise ApplianceHostName.domain.com/contentDelivery/content/CA.crt

2. Rename CA.crt to LoginEnterprise.crt and upload the certificate to the UMS by creating a new SSL Certificate File.

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Deploying IGEL Launcher

Setting up an endpoint to run the Login Enterprise Launcher

1. Create a new profile to be used for the Login Enterprise Launcher.

a. Give the profile a name, and description and base it on IGEL OS 11.03.100 or later.

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b. Edit the profile configuration, expand Accessories, and select Login Enterprise.

2. Enter the Server URL and the 40-character Launcher Secret into the proper fields.

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3. Click Save to apply the Login Enterprise profile configuration.

4. Assign the Login Enterprise Virtual Appliance SSL certificate to the new profile.

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5. Assign the new Login Enterprise profile to the endpoint you wish to use as a Launcher.

6. Create a Job to run the Login Enterprise Launcher.

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7. Create a New Scheduled Job, give it a name, and select Start Login Enterprise launcher from the drop-down.

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8. Assign the job to the IGEL endpoints to be used as Login Enterprise Launchers.

Running and operating the IGEL Launcher

1. Execute the Login Enterprise Launcher job from the UMS. The Launcher program will run on the endpoint. See the screenshot below for more information.

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2. Verify connectivity at the Login Enterprise Web UI. For details, see Ensuring proper connection.

3. Optionally, add Launcher to a group. This makes selecting and managing the Launcher much easier. To learn more, see Launcher groups and locations

4. Assign the new Launcher to a Test. For more information, see Adding a Launcher to a Test.

5. Once a Login Enterprise job is sent to the IGEL Launcher, it will connect to the required target environment and run the workload, logging off once the test completes.

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Maintenance and updates

The maintenance and update procedures for the IGEL Launcher are largely similar to those for Linux systems. For more information, see Maintenance and updates.

Troubleshooting and best practices

The troubleshooting steps and best practices for the IGEL Launcher are largely similar to those for Linux systems. For more information, see Troubleshooting and best practices.