using LoginPI.Engine.ScriptBase; public class facetsHealthcare_1_medclaimsprocessing : ScriptBase { private void Execute() { /* -Disclaimer: This workload is provided as-is and might need further configuration and customization to work successfully in each unique environment. For further Professional Services-based customization please consult with the Login VSI Support and Services team. Please refer to the Help Center section "Application Customization" for further self-help information regarding workload crafting and implementation. -Run the workload against the "target" using Script Editor to ensure it will work before uploading it and testing with it -If needed, configure the Set global variables section of this workload -Go through the workload to understand what it's doing. Comment out any unneeded app tests (code blocks) or add on any needed functional testing -This workload will: Go through predefined workflow to process Med claims -Workload version and changelist: --V1.0 | original -Leave Application running compatibility: false */ // create variable for the Facets window var FacetsMainUI = FindWindow(processName : "ceraexe0"); // focus Facets window FacetsMainUI.Focus(); // populating metadata for claims processing into a var -> clicking on the var var ClaimsProcessingITS = FacetsMainUI.FindControl(className : "TreeItem", title : "Claims Processing + ITS*",timeout:60); Wait(3); ClaimsProcessingITS.Click(); Wait(3); Type("{RIGHT}"); Wait(3); // click on med claims processing its var MedClaimsProcessingITS = FacetsMainUI.FindControl(className : "TreeItem", title : "Med. Claims Processing + ITS*",timeout:60); MedClaimsProcessingITS.Click(); Wait(3); Type("{ENTER}"); // fill id field FacetsMainUI.Focus(); FacetsMainUI.FindControl(className : "Group:Button", title : "Diagnosis Codes",timeout:60); Wait(3); FacetsMainUI.FindControlWithXPath(xPath : "Pane:MDIClient/[0]/[0]/Pane:AfxWnd140[3]/Edit:Edit[2]").Click(); Wait(3); // typing in id number Type("xxxxxxxx",cpm:120); Wait(3); Type("{TAB}", cpm:120); Wait(3); FacetsMainUI.FindControlWithXPath(xPath : "Pane:MDIClient/[0]/[0]/Pane:AfxWnd140[3]/Edit:Edit").Click(); Wait(3); Type("00", cpm:120); Wait(3); // Click provider id box and type number FacetsMainUI.FindControl(className : "Edit:Edit", title : "Provider ID").Click(); Wait(3); Type("xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx{tab}",cpm:120); Wait(3); //typing diagnosis code FacetsMainUI.FindControlWithXPath(xPath : "Pane:MDIClient/[0]/[0]/Pane:AfxWnd140[2]/Edit:Edit[3]").DoubleClick(); Wait(3); Type("I10{TAB}",cpm:120); Wait(3); // double clicking line items button FacetsMainUI.FindControl(className : "TreeItem", title : "Line Items").DoubleClick(); Wait(3); // find total charge field and click it; entering 100 FacetsMainUI.FindControl(className : "Text:Static", title : "Total Char&ge",timeout:60); Wait(3); FacetsMainUI.FindControlWithXPath(xPath : "Pane:MDIClient/[0]/[0]/Pane:AfxWnd140/Edit:Edit").DoubleClick(); Wait(3); Type("{right}10",cpm:120); Wait(3); // tab to from date field Type("{tab}{tab}", cpm:120); // entering the From date (date of service) Wait(3); Type("05012019{TAB}{TAB}",cpm:120); Wait(3); // typing place of service -> typing procedure code -> typing charge amount -> typing units (integer) -> typing F3 Type("11{TAB}{TAB}99213{TAB}{TAB}100{TAB}1{F3}",cpm:120); // looking for Claim Totals that arent 0 // FacetsMainUI.FindControl(className : "Pane:AfxWnd140", title : "*100*",timeout:60); Wait(3); // opening micro image number popup -> looking for it -> type anything in ID field -> then click okay button (to close the popup) FacetsMainUI.Focus(); KeyDown(KeyCode.ALT); Type("ag"); KeyUp(KeyCode.ALT); FindWindow(title : "Micro / Image ID", processName : "ceraexe0",timeout:60); var MicroImageID = FindWindow(title : "Micro / Image ID", processName : "ceraexe0"); Wait(3); MicroImageID.Focus(); MicroImageID.FindControl(className : "Edit:Edit",timeout:60); var MicroImageIDIDField = MicroImageID.FindControl(className : "Edit:Edit"); MicroImageIDIDField.Click(); MicroImageIDIDField.Type("a"); Wait(3); Type("{ENTER}"); Wait(3); // typing f4 subsequently to submit claim FacetsMainUI.Focus(); Type("{F4}"); // making sure a claim number was populated/created FacetsMainUI.FindControl(className : "Pane:Afx:StatusBar:*", title : "Ready...Last Claim*",timeout:60); Wait(3); // resetting the facets ui by clicking on window button -> close all applications -> making sure workspace reset FacetsMainUI.FindControl(className : "MenuItem", title : "Window").Click(); Type("{DOWN}{ENTER}", cpm:60); var FacetsCloseAllApplications = FindWindow(title : "Facets", processName : "ceraexe0",timeout:15); FacetsCloseAllApplications.Focus(); Wait(3); FacetsCloseAllApplications.FindControlWithXPath(xPath : "Button:Button").Click(); FacetsMainUI.FindControl(className : "Pane:MDIClient", title : "Workspace",timeout:15); } }